Why is TurtleBot an official platform recommended by ROS?

In fact, when choosing a robot platform, we instinctively consider the brand, hardware, software and final price of a product from our own needs. So today, let's take a look at TurtleBot robot from the perspective of this brand。


ROS official website homepage recommendation

The statement "TurtleBot is the official recommendation platform of ROS" originates from the official website of ROS www.ros.org. At present, we open the ROS official website www.ros Org, TurtleBot4 is indeed recommended on the homepage, and the accompanying article reads "Our flag ROS 2 educational robot is here and is ready for your home or classroom.". The second sentence is that TurtleBot4 is specially equipped for your family and classroom. It should be suitable for ROS enthusiasts and teachers who want to use robots to teach.


The relationship between TurtleBot and ROS?

So why does the ROS official website solemnly recommend TurtleBot4 on its homepage? What is the relationship between TurtleBot4 and ROS?

In fact, TurtleBot is a robot platform developed with the participation of Open Robotics (ROS design team), that is, the development team of TurtleBot and the design team of ROS are a team.


Origin of ROS and Turtle

In 1968, Dr. Simon Piper invented LOGO programming language and tortoise robot. And use LOGO programming language to control the entity tortoise robot. To pay homage to Dr. Simon Piper, the turnelsim node first appeared in ROS is a program made by imitating the command system of the Logo turnle program. TurtleBot's turnle here comes from the tortoise robot developed in 1968. The tortoise icon has also become the symbol of ROS. Not only that, the 9 points used in the ROS marking also come from the tortoise shell.




Why is TurtleBot called Turtle?

Because ROS and Turtle have a deep relationship, and TurtleBot robot was created to popularize ROS. Of course, it should be called TurtleBot.

In order to popularize ROS, the ROS design team developed TurtleBot. Therefore, TurtleBot can also be said to exist for ROS. The first generation TurtleBot was developed based on the Roombar based research robot Create of iRobot. In 2010, the first generation TurtleBot was released the same year as ROS. In the past 10 years, TurtleBot has become the ROS standard platform most used by developers and students.


The latest generation of TurtleBot4 was released in 2022.

 Currently, it supports subscription and is the first choice for university research and teaching users.


Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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