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Academic Conference

ICRA, namely IEEE International Conference on Robotics and automation, is an annual academic conference covering advanced robot technology, which is organized by the Institute of electrical and electronic engineers.

Academic Conference

ICRA, namely IEEE International Conference on Robotics and automation, is an annual academic conference covering advanced robot technology, which is organized by the Institute of electrical and electronic engineers.

Project course

The IROS Conference 2022 will be held in Kyoto,Japan from Oct 23-27.

【Experimental teaching goal 】

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, is an annual academic conference covering advanced robotics technology, organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The conference and the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, are ranked as the top conferences in this field.

Conference Introduction

The IROS Conference 2022 will be held in Kyoto,Japan from Oct 23th to Oct 27th.

The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) is one of the largest and most impacting robotics research conferences worldwide. Established in 1988 and held annually, IROS provides an international forum for the international robotics research community to explore the frontier of science and technology in intelligent robots and smart machines. In addition to technical sessions and multi-media presentations, IROS conferences also hold panel discussions, forums, workshops, tutorials, exhibits, and technical tours to enrich the fruitful discussions among conference attendees.

IROS is sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, the Robotics Society of Japan, the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, the New Technology Foundation, and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.


Website of the IROS Steering Committee:



【Main instruments and equipment 】

Meeting time

Oct 23-27, 2022

Meeting place


【Experimental project setup 】
  • turtlebot4-8


  • turtlebot4-6


  • turtlebot4-4


  • turtlebot4-2


Donghu Robot Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Baogu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center,Wuhan City,Hubei Province,China

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